12 research outputs found

    The Prediction of Gold Price Movement by Comparing Naive Bayes, Support Vector Machine, and K-NN

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    Gold is a yellow precious metal that can be forged so it is easy to form with various forms of jewelry such as pendants, earrings, rings, bracelets and others, gold has a high value. Gold itself is an exchange rate used in ancient times before the existence of money as it is today. Gold also can be used as an investment that is profitable for the investor and it has less risks. Investment is a form of fund management to give benefit by putting fund in allocation that is predicted will give additional benetifs. Prediction of gold price movements or predictions of gold price in gold stock investment, this research uses 3 (three) algorithms that will be implemented in analysis and increase accuracy, in the discussion or research that was made using the Naïve Bayes algorithm, Support Vector Machine and K-Nearest Neighbor, the dataset is obtained from the website, namely www.finance.yahoo.com the data was then tested using Rapid miner tools so that the average value of the Support Vector Machine algorithm with an accuracy rate of 57.59%, precision 58 ,73% and recall 51,78%. The next is the Naïve Bayes algorithm so that it is known to have an accuracy rate of 55.59%, precision 54.55% and recall 51.70%. Based on the comparison of the three algorithms, it is known that the one with the best accuracy, precision, and recall is the K-NN algorithm with 61.90% accuracy, 60.98% precision, and 60.35% recall. Furthermore, the results of testing the K-Nearst Neighbor algorithm have good results compared to the 3 (three) other algorithm tests and the Naïve Bayes algorithm testing has a low level of accuracy, namely 55.59%, precision 54.55% and recall 51.70%. The research uses 3 algorithms, namely naive bayes, K-nearst neighbor and Support Vector Machine, because the three algorithms are well-established algorithms to be applied to research, especially in time series gold price research and are very good, especially for classificatio

    Combining Super Resolution Algorithm (Gaussian Denoising and Kernel Blurring) and Compare with Camera Super Resolution

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    This problem addresses the problem of low-resolution image (noisy) that will proof later by PSNR number. The best way to improve this low-resolution problem is by utilizing Super Resolution (SR) algorithm methodology. SR algorithm methodology refers to the process of obtaining higher-resolution images from several lower-resolution ones, that is resolution enhancement. The quality improvement is caused by fractional-pixel displacements between images. SR allows overcoming the limitations of the imaging system (resolving limit of the sensors) without the need for additional hardware. This research aims to find the best SR algorithm in form of stand-alone algorithm or combine algorithm by comparing with the latest SR algorithm (Camera SR) from the previous research made by Chang Chen et al in 2019. Furthermore, we confidence this research will become the future guideline for anyone who want to improve the limitation of their low-resolution camera or vision sensor by implementing those SR algorithms

    Prediction of Electrical Energy Consumption Using LSTM Algorithm with Teacher Forcing Technique

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    Electrical energy is an important foundation in world economic growth, therefore it requires an accurate prediction in predicting energy consumption in the future. The methods that are often used in previous research are the Time Series and Machine Learning methods, but recently there has been a new method that can predict energy consumption using the Deep Learning Method which can process data quickly for training and testing. In this research, the researcher proposes a model and algorithm which contained in Deep Learning, that is Multivariate Time Series Model with LSTM Algorithm and using Teacher Forcing Technique for predicting electrical energy consumption in the future. Because Multivariate Time Series Model and LSTM Algorithm can receive input with various conditions or seasons of electrical energy consumption. Teacher Forcing Technique is able lighten up the computation so that it can training and testing data quickly. The method used in this study is to compare Teacher Forcing LSTM with Non-Teacher Forcing LSTM in Multivariate Time Series model using several activation functions that produce significant differences. TF value of RMSE 0.006, MAE 0.070 and Non-TF has RMSE and MAE values of 0.117 and 0.246. The value of the two models is obtained from Sigmoid Activation and the worst value of the two models is in the Softmax activation function, with TF values is RMSE 0.423, MAE 0.485 and Non-TF RMSE 0.520, MAE 0.519.

    Features Selection based on Enhanced KNN to Predict Raw Material Needs on PT. SANM

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    Raw material inventory must be able to meet production needs. So it is necessary to plan / predict raw material needs in the following month to determine the raw material inventory. Currently PT. SANM uses a manual counting method, the expenditure of raw materials for six months, then deducts the current raw material inventory. As a result, there are raw materials that are over order or lacking, which causes production to be constrained. The manual calculation method is not effective enough to meet the raw material inventory. In this research, the researcher proposes an algorithm which is contained in Data Mining, that is Enhanced KNN using GWO to predict raw material needs. Because GWO and Enhanced KNN algorithms give the results are easy to understand, have good accuracy compared to other machine learning methods, can cover the trapped problem from KNN traditional and capable of improving the accuracy using feature selection method. The method used in this study is to compare Enhanced KNN with and without GWO that gives a significant increase in the accuracy value by 16.5%, from 44.6% to 61.1%

    Business Intelligence Using N-Beats And Rnn Methods End Influence On Decision Making In The Flexible Packaging Manufacturing

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    Today's complex decision-making solutions for intelligent manufacturing depend on the ability to be able to model a manufacturing system realistically, valid and consistent data integrated easily and in a timely manner, able to solve problems efficiently with computational effort to obtain optimal production and product quality optimizations continuously. When an organization uses a data-driven approach, it means that it makes strategic decisions based on data collection, analysis, and interpretations or insights. The purpose of this research is to analyze the business intelligence approach in optimizing print machines by speed, material and time. in this research, using the N-Beats is a deep neural architecture based on backward and forward residual links and a very deep stack of fully-connected layers and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN). The novelty of this research is increasing machine speed using new insights by combining two deep learning methods. Observing and retrieving raw data from the printing machine process with sensors data for use and ensuring the justification of the addition of new methods. The result is expected to be able to provide new insights that can increase engine speed, the data based decision making provides businesses with the capabilities to generate real time insights and predictions to optimize their performance and provide confidence in decision making that are fast, precise and better

    Robust Automatic Speech Recognition Features using Complex Wavelet Packet Transform Coefficients

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    To improve the performance of phoneme based Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) in noisy environment; we developed a new technique that could add robustness to clean phonemes features. These robust features are obtained from Complex Wavelet Packet Transform (CWPT) coefficients. Since the CWPT coefficients represent all different frequency bands of the input signal, decomposing the input signal into complete CWPT tree would also cover all frequencies involved in recognition process. For time overlapping signals with different frequency contents, e. g. phoneme signal with noises, its CWPT coefficients are the combination of CWPT coefficients of phoneme signal and CWPT coefficients of noises. The CWPT coefficients of phonemes signal would be changed according to frequency components contained in noises. Since the numbers of phonemes in every language are relatively small (limited) and already well known, one could easily derive principal component vectors from clean training dataset using Principal Component Analysis (PCA). These principal component vectors could be used then to add robustness and minimize noises effects in testing phase. Simulation results, using Alpha Numeric 4 (AN4) from Carnegie Mellon University and NOISEX-92 examples from Rice University, showed that this new technique could be used as features extractor that improves the robustness of phoneme based ASR systems in various adverse noisy conditions and still preserves the performance in clean environments


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    This research is the utilization of internet of things to assist between people and their home through the internet. This research is called as Light Controller and Home Sensing. People could control and monitor their house although they are far away from their home. Light Controller and Home Sensing will discuss how people could control, monitor, and report their home such as control the light, monitor the temperature and humidity, and report if there is fire or not


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    President University merupakan salah satu instansi pendidikan yang sedang mengalami perkembangan yang pesat, perkembangan yang terjadi berdampak pada semakin banyaknya aktifitas yang terjadi di President University dan naiknya tingkat penggunaan ruangan yang ada di President University, baik untuk aktifitas belajar mengajar maupun aktifitas pendukungnya. Prosedur peminjaman ruangan yang masih manual menyebabkan beberapa permasalahan diantarnya kesulitan yang dialami oleh peminjam ruangan pada saat akan melakukan peminjaman ruangan dan kesulitan yang dihadapi oleh petugas ruangan didalam mengelola dan memantau penggunaan ruangan. Penelitian ini akan menjelaskan bagaimana merancang sebuah aplikasi yang digunakan untuk dapat membantu proses pemesanan ruangan, mengelola dan memantau penggunaan ruangan. Hasil yang diharapkan dari aplikasi pemesanan ruangan berbasis web ini dibuat untuk memudahkan peminjam ruangan, dan memudahkan petugas ruangan didalam memonitor pekerjaannya dengan menyimpan dan menampilkan data pemesanan ruangan secara praktis dan sistematis

    Optimization of Machine Learning Models with Segmentation to Determine the Pose of Cattle

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    Image pattern recognition poses numerous challenges, particularly in feature recognition, making it a complex problem for machine learning algorithms. This study focuses on the problem of cow pose detection, involving the classification of cow images into categories like front, right, left, and others. With the increasing popularity of image-based applications, such as object recognition in smartphone technologies, there is a growing need for accurate and efficient classification algorithms based on shape and color. In this paper, we propose a machine learning approach utilizing Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Random Forest (RF) algorithms for cow pose detection. To achieve an optimal model, we employ data augmentation techniques, including Gaussian blur, brightness adjustments, and segmentation. The proposed segmentation methods used are Canny and Kmeans. We compare several machine learning algorithms to identify the optimal approach in terms of accuracy. The success of our method is measured by accuracy and Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) analysis. The results indicate that using the Canny segmentation, SVM achieved 74.31% accuracy with a testing ratio of 90:10, while RF achieved 99.60% accuracy with the same testing ratio. Furthermore, testing with SVM and K-means segmentation reached an accuracy of 98.61% with a test ratio of 80:20. The study demonstrates the effectiveness of SVM and Random Forest algorithms in cow pose detection, with Kmeans segmentation yielding highly accurate results. These findings hold promising implications for real-world applications in image-based recognition systems. Based on the results of the model obtained, it is very important in pattern recognition to use segmentation based on color even though shape recognition


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    Automatic picture taking has always been an inconvenience in daily life. When people want to take a group picture or take a picture from far distance and there is no one around to help, the webcam operator needs to set the timer on the webcam and quickly run into the view of the picture to be taken. If multiple shots are wanted, the camera operator will have to make multiple trips back to the camera, which is very troublesome. Some webcams support remotely controlled picture taking, but it is not convenience. Thus, it is very desirable to have more efficient webcam application with automatic commands. HanGestCam is webcam application based on desktop with hand gesture recognition feature. The purpose of this application is to minimize physical contact between user and the computer. The main feature of this application is to capture image with hand gesture recognition. This application uses the EmguCV library that implements the Skin Color detection method for the hand gesture recognition. This application makes the user to control the webcam commands easier